Thursday, October 6, 2011

Maine Foliage Report - October 5, 2011

The Maine Foliage Report from the Maine Department of Conservation for October 5, 2011 is below:


October 5, 2011 | Maine Foliage Report
Maine Department of Conservation

Maine's Western Mountains, Eastern Lakes Displaying Colorful Foliage

Fall foliage color is turning nicely in Maine's western mountains, and lake regions of Washington and Penobscot counties, while peak color has arrived in the northern half of the state, according to the fourth 2011 fall foliage report from the Maine Department of Conservation (MDOC).

Currently, Maine Forest Service and state park rangers are observing peak leaf color, or at least 75 percent color change, in northern tracking zones (Zones 7, 6, 5 northern, and 4 northern) covering all of Aroostook County and northern portions of Penobscot, Piscataquis and Somerset counties. These regions now have moderate, 30 to 50 percent, leaf drop, according to rangers.

Rangers are reporting high color, or 50 to 75 percent toward peak, in the southern section of Zone 4 and suggest a drive along Route 9 between Brewer and Baring. Moderate color, or 30 to 50 percent toward peak, is now showing in the western mountain towns of Bethel, Kingfield and Rangeley (southern Zone 5), the central region from Dover-Foxcroft to Bangor (northern Zone 3), and along the downeast coast from Bucksport to Eastport (Zone 2). Leaf drop is currently low, or 10 to 30 percent, in these Regions.

Low foliage color, or 10 to 30 percent toward peak, is being reported along the coast from Kittery to Belfast (Zone 1), and in southern areas including Fryeburg, Sebago Lake, Androscoggin County and Kennebec County. These regions now have low leaf drop.

MDOC forester and park ranger-led hiking events planned for this weekend in our state parks and public reserved lands include a family friendly, half-mile, one-hour hike at Mount Blue State Park in Weld, beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct.8.

A moderate, 4-mile hike at Kennebec Highlands public lands site, overlooking Long Pond, Belgrade Lakes Village and Great Pond, will take place on Sunday, Oct 9 at 2 p.m.

Events are held rain or shine. For directions and more information on both foliage hikes, go to Maine's fall foliage conditions will be updated each Wednesday through at least Oct. 19 on this website. Maine foliage fans can also share photos and favorite viewing spots at the Maine Fall Foliage page on Facebook, or follow foliage news on Twitter using the "mainefoliage" hashtag.

Go to or call the Maine Office of Tourism at 1-888-624-6345 for more information about fall activities and events in Maine.  Go to this link for more Maine Foliage Info.

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