Sunday, November 30, 2008
Holiday Arts & Crafts Show - Portland, Maine
The 31st Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Show will take place on December 6-7, 2008 in Portland, Maine. The event will be held at the University of Southern Maine gym at 96 Falmouth Street in Portland. Hours are Saturday 9-5 PM and Sunday 10-4 PM. There will be almost 100 exhibitors selling their handcrafted products. Admission is $2 at the door. For more information visit the website of the United Maine Craftsmen.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Shopping in Kittery, Maine
The holiday shopping season has begun. There are lots of places to do your Christmas shopping in Kittery, Maine. The many outlet stores are located just over the Maine-New Hampshire border in Kittery. Kittery is easily accessible from the Maine Turnpike. For general information see "The Kittery Outlets". For more information click on any of the following - directions, map, directory of stores, and if you are staying overnight check out the accommodations and lodging. If you need a break from shopping consider one of the many restaurants to eat at to include the Weathervane, Warren's Lobster House, and Bob's Clam Hut. More information can be found at the website for the Town of Kittery, the Wikipedia encyclopedia description of Kittery, Maine, and of course, the Kittery Trading Post. Other websites providing information on shopping in Kittery include Kittery Shopping (with a description of many of the stores based on their location on Route 1), Kittery Premium Outlets, Maine Lobster Outlet, Inc., and Tanger Outlets.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Holiday Shopping in Maine
The holiday shopping season is in full swing here in Maine. The malls, downtown stores, outlet stores, and traditional tourist shopping spots (think Freeport and Kittery) are all geared up for the holidays. Read more about shopping in Maine in "Shopping frenzy begins", Portland Press Herald, November 28, 2008.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Meals in Maine
The Travel-Maine.Info website has a page that offers lots of information on where and what to do in Maine during Thanksgiving - see "Thanksgiving in Maine".
Safety During Thanksgiving.
The Maine State Government has sent out a safety message entitled "Enjoy Thanksgiving Safely". It also has a "Turkey Day Safety Fact Sheet". And if you are NOT traveling and are preparing your turkey meal at home then here is some safety advice available from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension on "Helpful Hints on Handling Turkeys for Thanksgiving".
Ski Area Upgrades in Maine
Here is a blog post from Maine Outdoor Journal on some upgrades made to some of Maine's ski areas to include Sunday River, Sugarloaf, and Saddleback. In particular, the article talks about Sunday River's Chondola. See "Sunday River's new 'Chondola' tops long list" posted on November 20, 2008. Click here for more information about skiing in Maine.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"Black Friday" Shopping in Freeport, Maine
The tourist town of Freeport, Maine will start the traditional "Black Friday" shopping day (day after Thanksgiving) at 12:01 on Friday, November 28th. They are calling this event the Freeport Moonlight Madness Shopping Celebration. Read more about this post-Thanksgiving shopping event in "Freeport merchants prepare for Moonlight Madness on Black Friday", Wolfe News Wire, November 20, 2008. Click here to learn more about lodging, dining, and shopping in Freeport, Maine.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving in Maine - Captain Fairfield Inn
Are you looking for a place to spend Thanksgiving in Maine? Try the Captain Fairfield Inn in Kennebunkport, Maine. Phone: 800-322-1928.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Low Cost Ski Trips in Maine
With the economy in the tank many folks are tightening their belts and cutting back on recreational expenses. However, for those active downhill skiers bargains exist in Maine if you do your research. One outdoors blogger in Maine has done that research for you. He has listed some of the value ski areas in Maine in his blog post. To see his recommendations visit "Ski deals for ME", Maine Outdoor Journal, November 20, 2008. Click here for more information about downhill skiing in Maine.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Maine Winter Get-aways with AMC
The Appalachian Mountain Club has family weekend get-aways that include snowshoeing, hiking, crosscountry skiing and other winter activities. The programs take place at the AMC lodges along the coast and in the Moosehead Lake region of Maine. Visit the AMC website for more information at
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Maine Birdwatching Info
Read a bloggers advice on where to do birdwatching in Maine. See "Birdwatching in Maine is the Ideal Spot for Birders or Birdwatchers", Halloween Costume Index Blog, October 2008. Visit this link to find more information about birding in Maine.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving Arts & Craft Show - Brewer, Maine
The 34th Annual Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Show will take place on November 28-30, 2008 in Brewer, Maine. The event will take place at the Brewer Auditorium on State Street. Admission is $1.00 at the door. This is a great show for Christmas shoppers. Click on United Maine Craftsmen to find out more information.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Farm Bed & Breakfast in Maine
Ever think about spending time on a farm in Maine? Well, you can do this. Spend some time at the Three Pines Bed & Breakfast and Farm located in Hancock, Maine. This farm is located near Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park along the coast of Maine. It is a waterfront farm with great views. Read a recent news article about this B & B in "Breaking from the herd to smalltown Maine", The Boston Globe, November 17, 2008.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Maine Lighthouse Collection Series
The Maine Lighthouse Collection Series is a series of travel posters that reflect the many different lighthouses and their varied surroundings found along the coast of Maine. The illustrations are done by graphic artist Alan Claude of Maine.
"The Maine Lighthouse Collection Series by award-winning graphic artist Alan Claude is a dramatic and bold interpretation of Maine lighthouses and their surrounding environments. With colorful contrasting imagery, dimensional light and shadow, these classic travel posters illustrations bring forward the strength and spirit of each Maine lighthouse".
Visit the website to view or purchase the lighthouse travel poster illustrations. Click here to read more about Maine's lighthouses.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Isle au Haut Chocolates
Read a review about the Black Dinah Chocolatiers who are located on the Isle au Haut of the coast of Maine. The author believes that these are the best chocolates possible! See "Black Dinah Chocolatiers: Amazing chocolates that blew me away", September 15, 2008, Find out more about the charming Isle au Haut. Click here to learn more about lodging, hiking, and camping on the Isle au Haut.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Portland, Maine - Nice Place to Retire
Portland, Maine was recently selected as one of the top ten places to retire by US News and World Report. The magazine cited the diverse landscape (seacoast and mountains), numerous healthy activities (walking and hiking), and Casco Bay with its many harbor islands. Read the article at "America's Best Healthy Places to Retire", US News and World Report, October 18, 2008. See the magazines retirement fact sheet on Portland, Maine. Click here for more information about Portland, Maine.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008 in Maine
Now that the Maine fall foliage season and Halloween is behind us our thoughts now move on to other upcoming events. The activities for our household here in Maine during November are football, avoiding the hunters while hiking outdoors, shopping in Freeport, scenic drives to places like Camden, Maine, and planning for Thanksgiving. All the chores of wood cutting, splitting, and stacking are now done! Maine is a great place to spend Thanksgiving - click here for more information on Thanksgiving in Maine and read how Maine actually had the first New England Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Maine Brand - Products Made from Maine
Read an interesting online blog post about products made in Maine and how they are perceived by those "from away". A blogger from "Maine Food & Life Style" writes on this topic.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Morning Glory Inn, York, Maine
York, Maine is a wonderful community located on the southern coast of Maine. It has some great beaches and is convenient to travelers from the Boston area. There are many nice inns to stay at in York and the Morning Glory Inn is one of them. Read a news article about this inn in "Maine Inn an oasis away from bustle and beaches",, October 19, 2008. While staying in the York area you can take day-trips to visit Maine's lovely seacoast, historic forts, museums, and lighthouses.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Late Season Kayak Trip in Maine
The kayaking season in Maine is by most accounts almost over; but there are some small trips that can be attempted weather permitting. Read the account of a trip by a local Maine kayaker around a couple of Maine coastal islands (Head Harbor Island and Steele Harbor Island) near Jonesport, Maine. See "Make No Mistake: A Kayak Trip to Mistake Island in Downeast Maine", Waldo Village Soup, October 22, 2008. Click here for more information on kayaking in Maine
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
10 Reasons to Visit Acadia National Park in Maine
Acadia National Park in Maine is a great place for a family vacation. Here is one blogger who firmly believes that. Read his post in "10 Great Reasons To Choose Acadia For Your Next Family Vacation" on Visit this link for more information on camping, dining, lodging and visiting Acadia National Park.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Deer Hunting in Maine
Read one Maine native's exploration of what deer hunting means to a Mainer. See "Deer hunt keeps us close to earth", Kennebec Journal, October 25, 2008.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Maine Birders Network
A discussion forum for Maine birders (or birdwatchers as others know them) has been launched by a Maine "birder". See the announcement of this Maine birder forum. Click here to visit the website for the Maine Birders Network. Visit this link to find more information about birding in Maine.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Eat Maine Foods!
There is a local grass-roots movement here in Maine on how to eat the proper foods in a socially and environmentally conscious manner.
"Eat Maine Foods is the networking site of the Eat Local Foods Coalition of Maine (ELFC), a coalition of groups and people working to put more Maine foods on more Maine tables more often."Find out more about this organization by clicking on
Saturday, November 8, 2008
November Calendar of Events
Looking for something to do during the month of November in Maine? Check out the "Maine Events Calendar: November" posted by the Maine Food and Lifestyle Blog.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tactics for Deer Hunting in Maine
We are in the beginning of the deer hunting season here in Maine. The Kennebec Journal published an article providing helpful hints (tactics?) for hunting deer in Maine. Read the story here at "Best deer hunting tactic depends", Kennebec Journal, November 1, 2008.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New England Exhibition of Marine Artists
The American Society of Marine Artists 2008 New England Exhibition is taking place during the month of November at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath, Maine.
With several hundred historical maritime paintings in the collection, we need to remind ourselves that marine painting is indeed a living vital art genre. So it is that we are pleased to be hosting the American Society of Marine Artists (ASMA) 2008 New England Regional Exhibition. Seventy juried new works will showcase the member artists of this esteemed national organization and their diverse approach to maritime subjects of both contemporary and historical nature.For more information on the exhibit click here. Click here for more information about dining, lodging, and things to do in Bath, Maine.
Maine Literary Festival - Camden, Maine
The Maine Literary Festival will be held in Camden, Maine on November 7-9, 2008 at the Camden Opera House. Click here for more information on the Maine Literary Festival. Click here for more information on dining, lodging, and events in Camden, Maine.
Augusta Arts & Craft Show
The Augusta Arts and Crafts Show will take place this weekend, November 8-9, 2008, at the Augusta Civic Center. Artisans will offer jewelry, hand painted ornaments, hand made linens, toys & puzzles, soaps, delicious food, and more. There will be over 120 booths of Maine made gifts. Read more at the United Maine Craftsmen website.
One More Week of Foliage Viewing in Maine
We probably have one more week of fall foliage viewing in Maine. While the northern, central and western areas have gone past peak leaf peeping time; the areas of southern and coastal Maine are still vibrant. Read a post on foliage viewing in southern Maine by "Hezzy's Sidewalk Talk".
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
USS Portland Memorial to be Rededicated
The memorial site of the USS Portland located on the Eastern Promenade of Portland will be rededicated on Veterans Day, November 11, 2008. The town, construction firms and other businesses have contributed $150,000 towards a repair and facelift effort. The USS Portland, a navy cruiser, was first commissioned in 1933 and saw service in the Pacific against Japan. The cruisers mast, bell and other parts of the ship were installed as a memorial at the seaside park in 1962. Read more about this November 11th event at "Ship memorial showing its age, gets a face-lift", Portland Press Herald, September 19, 2008. Read up on a little history of the USS Portland at this website and at
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
One-Week Fall Foliage Drive in Maine
Read one blogger's account of her one-week fall foliage drive through Maine in early November 2008. Has some nice pictures and her trip listed presented chronologically for those who might need some trip ideas. She lists places she visited, dined, and lodged at. Part of her travels took her to Acadia National Park. See the blog post at World of Susie. Click here for more info about fall foliage drives or Acadia National Park in Maine.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Hiking in Maine During Hunting Season
This is a great time of the year to hike in Maine. However, one must be careful during November as that is the deer rifle deer hunting season and the woods are full of eager hunters. Be very visible - wear an orange hat and vest. Try to hike on trails in areas that exclude hunting. There is no hunting on Sundays so that is the best day to hike. Read more on this topic at "Safe Hiking During Hunting Season",, November 2, 2008. For more information about hiking and hiking trails in Maine see "Hiking in Maine: Info, maps, trails, guides, and tours".
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Berwick, Maine Touch-a-Truck Event
The Berwick, Maine Parent-Teachers Organization (PTO) will conduct its 1st Annual Touch-A-Truck Event. All proceeds will benefit the Vivian Hussey and Knowlton Schools. There will be lots of cool cars, trucks, and more trucks. Over 30 vehicles for your children to explore. The date of the event is November 8th from 2-4 pm. Rain day is November 9th. The location is at Vivian Hussey School on 20 Blackberry Hill Road in Berwick, Maine. Hotdogs, popcorn, and drinks are available for sale. Free goody bags for kids. Admission is $5 per family.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pine Crest B&B - Thanksgiving in Maine
The Pine Crest Bed and Breakfast Inn provides a "Thanksgiving Getaway" for those interested in escaping to Maine on Thanksgiving. Visit their blog for more info:
Gorham, Maine 04038
Phone: (207) 839-5843
Click here to learn more about inns, bed and breakfasts, and hotels that offer Thanksgiving getaways in Maine.
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